Sunday, May 20, 2012

101 thoughts...

Wowza--it's my 101st blog post!  This blog started out as a way to chronicle our 25th wedding anniversary trip to Washington DC.  I had finally stabilized my health enough to feel comfortable taking a trip and I wanted to share the experience with my family.  And now here I am almost 2 years later on a different trip of a lifetime. I've decided to share a couple of pictures which highlight this North Carolina experience so far.

Finishing the first week of rehab.  Our apartment is directly
behind me.  That is our patio seen in the background.  You
 will be happy to note we have since washed the car.
Spent the night at the Great Wolf Lodge (cute girl who took our
picture chopped off the bear's head, oh well)   This place was awesome--
35 acres of indoor/outdoor waterslides and fun activities.
Hall of Flags at Rheid's Toastmaster District Conference held
in Concord two weekends ago.  Concord is a suburb of
Charlotte. We got to see the Charlotte Motor Speedway--this
is big time NASCAR country--but have no photo evidence.

Sweet "V" family invited us over for Southern Barbecue with
a stop at Maple View Farm--a local ice cream shop. Bought some
delicious chocolate milk to take home.  Oliver w/balloon sword, Steve,
Delia, Milo, Rebekah w/Eloise and me. We are blessed to have such
a wonderful church family here in Durham/Chapel Hill.
Saturday morning we went to the Bennett Place.
It's a Civil War historical site.  They were having a
re-enactment this weekend.  This was a Southern flag
lecture where we learned how the stars and bars came about.
Musket shooting at the encampment.  It looks like we are way out in the
country but no, we are in town.  Crazy amount of trees here but beautiful.
We learn some Bennett Place history from the "locals" and find
out how they stand wearing all that wool in the hot sun.
Saturday morning we helped Jimmy and Mary Lou, from pulmonary
rehab, move into their new apartment.  They treated us to lunch
and then came on our Bennett Place tour.
Here's to more Carolina adventures.

**For those of you who missed my first foray into blogdom, here is a repost of what started it all.
May 26, 2010:  Welcome blogging world...I've finally done it. I've made the leap to cyberspace to start my personal blog! After two+ hours of dinking around with the program, I turned to my computer-smart husband for help. Of course, he had things figured out in milliseconds. The design is still a work in progress but I'm having fun trying to come up with "the look." SAS are my initials and my last name means castle in German...hence the blog title. Since this all took much longer than anticipated, I will have to save all my profound thoughts for another day :)  Here's to seeing the tender mercies!
(Still haven't changed the design--maybe in another 100 posts I'll get around to it.  Profound posts may take even longer than that.)


  1. Love your blog, Sherri -- almost as much as I love you!! Thanks for sharing your fun outings. You are in our prayers and our hearts -- as always!!

  2. Sherri,
    I just love your blog - and laugh out loud LOL you still have your great sense of humor. My love and prayers are with you - in fact, the whole ward RS is praying for you.

    Love and Prayers
